Rollerhead Bearings for Heavy Duty and Super Duty Radial Arm Saws
Ensure smooth operation of your Radial Arm Saw with our Rollerhead Bearings for Heavy Duty or Super Duty models. This set of 8 bearings is built for industrial use and provides reliable performance for cutting tasks. These bearings provide smooth travel down the saw’s track and help prevent arm wear.
Smooth Movement and Reliable Performance
Positioned in the saw’s arm, they allow smooth back-and-forth carriage movement. When checking parts, inspect the bearings and shafts. Replace damaged bearings promptly. If shafts are rusty, bent, or damaged, consider the Rollerhead Bearing and Shaft Kit for comprehensive maintenance.
Maintenance Tips for Rollerhead Bearings
Keep bearings in good condition by cleaning the arm and tracks with a rag and denatured alcohol or brake cleaner.
Key Features of the Rollerhead Bearings
High Durability: Built for heavy workloads.
Enhanced Precision: Provides smooth saw movement.
Easy Replacement: Compatible with most Heavy Duty and Super Duty Radial Arm Saws.